- Giá: Call 0909821348
- Directions:
- Nickel Safe Ice Machine Cleaner - 1 Gallon
- Turn off refrigeration, shut off water supply and remove ice from bin.
- Remove water trough, water curtain(s), water distribution tube(s), and other parts that may be scaled with deposits.
- Mix 3 oz. Nickel-Safe Ice Machine Cleaner per gallon of warm water in plastic container and place components in solution. Soak the components until they are free of deposits; for stubborn or thick deposits use a soft brush to help the dissolving action.
- Use above solution to clean storage bin, top, bottom and side extrusions and other components where deposits have collected, then rinse cleaned areas with fresh water.
- Replace cleaned components and turn on water.
- To clean evaporator as well as the remaining recirculating water system, add Nickel-Safe to the water in ice maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If none are available, use 5 fl. oz. of Nickel-Safe per gallon of water in the machine.
- Allow cleaning solution to circulate for up to 10 minutes; it may be necessary to recirculate the solution for longer than 10 minutes to remove heavier and thicker scale deposits. Be sure all distribution and weep holes are clear. Drain cleaning solution and flush with fresh water for a minimum of 30 seconds. After flushing, plug the drain.
- Thoroughly rinse bin with clean water after all components are cleaned.
- Link Demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIY-uvdP-Sg